Preparing Your Construction Site For Holiday Breaks
With the Holiday’s just around the corner, we know some construction sites will be shutting down. Empty job sites can be subject to vandalism or theft, increased accident rates, and potential weather damages. We want to remind you to ensure your sights are properly shut down before the holidays. Here are a few things you can do to keep your construction site and your employees safe this holiday season.
1. Prevent Theft And Vandalism
- Keep site areas well lit.
- Store all equipment.
- Install locks on all site & building entry points.
- Have a surveillance system in place and ensure functionality.
Recommended Labeling: No Trespassing Fence Signage
Keep unwanted people from trespassing on your job site. By utilizing proper No Trespassing signage on fencing or site entrances you provide a clear, concise message.
2. Prevent Injuries And Accidents
- Install barriers to any hazardous areas such as dugouts, trenches, and manholes.
- Weather-proof your site.
- Turn off power on all necessary construction site machines.
- Store electrical equipment.
- Utilize shutdown checklist.
Recommended Labeling: Operational & Safety Signs, Caution & Danger Tapes
Known hazards should be clearly marked. Keep employees safe when they return to work by providing necessary information regarding site hazards and procedures.
3. Prevent Weather Damage
- Ensure scaffold is secure.
- Drain drums and cover areas that could fill with water.
- Secure any loose material or equipment that could be carried with strong winds.
- Warm up heavy equipment before use to avoid cold weather damage.
- Plow roads within site.
Recommended Labeling: Outdoor Rated Construction Site Signage
If your site is in a climate that experiences harsh weather - utilize outdoor rated signage that is built to last. This keeps important information readable to employees and guests which maintains safety, and procedures that prevent site damages.